Our Communities

GSAAG participate on activities and other engagement programs as a way to support the wellbeing and growth of our neighbours to enhance our relationship with local communities.

We contribute to our community’s well-being through employment and investments, through our work with local associations, and through employee volunteer activities.

This synergetic relationship with our communities generates a stronger base for our long-term growth strategy to be sustainable and profitable, generating a virtual beneficial spiral of development for both the business and the communities.

Our Supply Chains

At GSAAG, our supply chain is the heart of our business and our biggest challenge for improving our performance and sustainability.

Extending the UN Global Compact’s Ten Principles into our supply chain is challenging due to the scale and complexity of it.

The supply chain is an extension of our workforce and community.

GSAAG has developed a trust-based relationship with our supply chain stakeholders improving best practices to Protect Against Reputational Damage, Reduce Environmental Impact and Costs, Improve Continuity of Supply, Innovate Products and Services and Develop Global-Industry Standards.

Our Environmental Footprint

Reducing GSAAG’s environmental footprint is very important for the future of our business and our stakeholders. We develop our strategic plans aligned with the UN standards.